Food Services
Ready areas for customer turnover quickly without concern about exposure of harsh chemicals to staff and customers. HOCl test strip results greatly exceed the minimum required by Health Canada.
Cleaning and disinfecting can be tricky. Plexiglas surfaces can be harmed by ammonia, quaternary ammonium and products that have a high pH. Our disinfectant is a viricide and bactericide, yet it is gentle enough to avoid clouding and fogging of the glass surface.
Mobile Vendors
HOCl is literally a multi use product, it is safe but has been proven to kill pathogens more effectively than bleach, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. It is conveniently space saving to take on the road because it does the job of many products.
Food Processing Plants
It is estimated that 1 in 6 people become ill and 3,000 die each year in North America from food borne pathogens. Our products effectively eliminate contaminants that plague the food production and processing industry. Avoid costly recalls.
Markets & Grocers
Fresh produce areas are regularly handled by consumers therefore contaminants are passed along. Our products have been used in grocery settings to kill these bacteria.​
Misting produce will substantially prolong their shelf life because mold and bacteria are eliminated thus increasing profits and DECREASING waste with the added benefit of protecting employees and customers.